Ponte Sospeso Piteglio: A Journey Across Time and Heights

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Ponte Sospeso Piteglio: A Journey Across Time and Heights

Historical Landmarks

On this memorable day, I ventured to cross the colossal steel suspension bridge along the path to Abetone, known as the Ponte Sospeso Piteglio. It's an adventure I had never embarked on before, and little did I know the mix of awe and trepidation that awaited me.

As I ascended the bridge, I couldn't help but admire the engineering marvel that stood before me. This magnificent bridge, completed between 1920 and 1922, was the brainchild of engineer Vincenzo Douglas Scotti.

Interestingly, he was a descendant of an ancient Scottish family, serving as the director of the Mammiano Basso steelworks for the Società Metallurgica Italiana (SMI). The bridge's inauguration in 1923 marked it as the world's longest pedestrian suspension bridge at the time, a feat that earned it a place in the Guinness Book of Records until 1990.

The purpose of this monumental structure was to facilitate the iron industry, providing the workers of Popiglio with a direct route to the other side of the river without having to traverse a lengthy six-kilometer detour. As I crossed, I couldn't help but reflect on the history and significance of this iconic bridge.

Yet, I must admit that midway across, my heart began to race, and I could feel my heart rhythm acting erratically. Overwhelmed by the height and the sway of the bridge, I made the challenging decision to turn back, my feet yearning for the reassuring touch of solid ground.

For those with nerves of steel and no fear of heights, I've heard that the view from the bridge's center, overlooking the valley with the serene River Lima below, is nothing short of breathtaking. Though I may not have made it all the way across, the Ponte Sospeso Piteglio is undoubtedly a testament to human ingenuity and a slice of history that shouldn't be missed by intrepid travelers.

The bridge is on the road from Bagni di Lucca to Abetone. An hour drive from Lucca. So, if you ever find yourself in this region and are up for a thrilling adventure, don't hesitate to conquer Ponte Sospeso Piteglio and experience the beauty, history, and adrenaline that it has to offer. You can do this easily on scooter, from Lucca. And maybe combine it with some outdoor activites. Along the road it is possible to have a swim in the Sergio river. See also my blog Piscina Naturale

Written by Olli last updated on 22 - 09 - 2023

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My name is Olli: an explorer of Tuscan treasures, weaving tales from every hidden corner. Uncover the spirit behind these stories and delve into my passion on the About page

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